Flexi Layer
The Flexi Layer position in an openFrame microscope offers the option of adding an additional illumination or detection layer to further extend the system.
The flexibility of the openFrame system allows an additional layer to be inserted between the regular illumination and detection layers. This Flexi Layer can either be an additional illumination or detection layer, or serve as an ideal position to mount a motorised filter wheel such as the Cairn OptoSpin. This layer is optional and many openFrame configurations do not require it.
For details on Illumination Layer options please refer to this section.
For details on Detection Layer options, please refer to this section.
Filter Wheel
Fast switching of emission filters prior is best achieved with a filter wheel such as the OptoSpin.
On openFrame microscopes, the ideal point for mounting a filter wheel is in the central optical axis below the illumination layers and before the tube lens. This places the filters in the infinity space, where they will not affect the optical performance of the microscope. The OptoSpin is available for 25, 32 or 50mm filters depending on your requirements.