Configured for high performance, live cell imaging, the FRAPtor is based on a two-column openFrame. With two large FOV sCMOS cameras, the design combines photon efficiency and highest possible levels of versatility.
The secondary detection tower uses a CMOS camera for phase contrast imaging. Due to the flexible design, it is possible to simultaneously image fluorescence and phase contrast using a single high-NA objective.
The system is designed to deliver class-leading multicolour SMLM super resolution performance.
TIRF/HILO and FRAP functionality are achieved with the integrated Gataca iLas2.
- Large FOV: Large optics and extended apertures throughout the system yield a class-leading field-of-view for super-resolution imaging, allowing you to see the whole picture.
- Dual-colour: Simultaneous imaging of two full fields of view allows two molecule species to be imaged in perfect synchrony.
- Photon-efficient: Reducing the number of optical elements in the fluorescence imaging paths means more photons reach the camera. The resulting brighter images bring better localisation.